Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is usually diagnosed in childhood. With specialized pediatric care, ADHD management and treatment are possible. However, to aid a child’s development it’s important to identify common ADHD symptoms, and then to search for an ADHD specialist near me. Here are some of the main ADHD symptoms impacting Cumming children.
ADHD Symptoms to Watch for in Children
ADHD symptoms are typically separated into categories of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. Children may experience signs related to one or both of these areas. In most cases, many of these symptoms will be evident before age six, and can be observed at home and in the classroom.
A concentration issue may manifest itself in some of the following ways:
- Easily distracted and struggles to complete tasks.
- Doesn’t appear to listen or follow instructions.
- Makes careless mistakes during work or play activities.
- Struggles with organizational skills.
- Reluctance to engage with repetitive tasks.
- Regularly loses personal belongings.
A pediatrician responsible for evaluating a child will need to identify several signs that have been present for at least six months. To find the best medical provider for this role, see our article on choosing the best pediatrician.
Hyperactivity and impulsiveness are usually disruptive, and won’t correspond to expected behavior for the child’s developmental stage. Signs may include the following:
- Repetitive fidgeting and an inability to sit still.
- Constant talking and interrupting.
- Engages in risk-taking behavior.
- Frequent physical movements in calm settings.
- Difficulty in waiting for their turn.
- Experiences anger or frustration during adolescent years.
Symptoms will vary between patients, and they can change as a child develops. As with signs of inattentiveness, a pediatrician needs to see examples of many symptoms that are present for more than six months.
Evaluating a Child for ADHD Over Time
Because other conditions may share common ADHD symptoms, it’s necessary to track a child’s development over an extended period. Ensuring a child is on track developmentally is one reason it’s very important to take your child to well-child visits. For example, ADHD can lead to a child falling behind in school, suffering with interpersonal relationship issues – and even struggling with motor development.
During the diagnosis and evaluation stages, medical providers get reports from the parents, teachers, health workers and anyone else involved in the child’s care. Information is also gained from discussions with the child. Through this comprehensive evaluation phase, it’s possible to gather enough information for a thorough analysis, and if appropriate, an ADHD diagnosis.
Contact a Professional ADHD Specialist Near Me
If your child is showing some of the symptoms of ADHD, Vickery Pediatrics is here to help. Our dedicated pediatric team provides ADHD assessment, management and treatment for families located in Cumming, Buford, Dawsonville, Gainesville, Johns Creek, Sugar Hill, Suwanee and Forsyth County. To contact us, call (678) 990-2501 or request an appointment today.