When flu symptoms get started, having a reliable medication can make all the difference in your child’s recovery. Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is one of the most commonly prescribed influenza treatments for children in Cumming, and helps reduce the virus’s ability to replicate in the body. When used correctly this antiviral medication can be highly effective, and to achieve the best results it’s vital to understand the usage guidelines.
Recommendations for Antiviral Treatment
Tamiflu can accelerate your child’s recovery from influenza when all guidelines are followed. Here are the main factors to consider before starting treatment.
1. Tamiflu should be prescribed as soon as possible (within the first 48 hours) for patients with severe or progressive illness.
2. Zanamivir should be used under the same situations but only when Tamiflu is unavailable. It cannot be used in children < 7 yrs or Asthmatics.
3. Antiviral treatment is not required in patients not in at-risk groups who have uncomplicated illness caused by confirmed or highly suspected influenza virus infection.
4. Prophylaxis is recommended for situations where the risk for human-human transmission of influenza is high and the probability of complication from infection is high.
Additionally, unlike the high percentage of true positive/negative results in rapid testing for Strep (strep throat/pharyngitis) which is high (98%) – this is not so for Flu testing. Most commercially available Flu tests will be positive about 70% of the time when patient has Influenza. So – if Flu test is negative but symptoms are highly suggestive of Flu – still consider yourself likely to have Influenza and be treated accordingly.
It’s important to visit a flu pediatrician if you notice signs your toddler may have influenza. Your pediatrician can evaluate these symptoms and recommend the best treatment.
At-risk Patients:
Children < age 5 yrs, adults > 65 yr, Pregnant women, patients with chronic underlying disease or immunosuppressed.
Additionally, individuals in at-risk groups or healthcare personnel do not need to be offered prophylaxis if the likelihood of complications of infection are low.
Parents worried about their child’s health can schedule a sick care appointment or use a pediatric telemedicine service to address these concerns and identify the best flu management approach.
Dependable Pediatric Flu Treatment in Cumming, GA
At Vickery Pediatrics we protect children from influenza with Tamiflu and other effective treatments. We help children from Cumming, Buford, Dawsonville, Gainesville, Johns Creek, Sugar Hill, Suwanee and Forsyth County with expert solutions for viruses, infections and seasonal respiratory conditions. Call (678) 990-2501 or request an appointment today.